Diktgymnasiet — the risk of collapse


Untitled, 2024

the risk of collapse

the risk analysis has already been done

it was ignored

the solution has already been invented

it was ignored

the collapse has already happened

it was ignored

siri, what’s post-viral illness?

just wrote words that hardly even exists

in the swedish language: post-viral illness

today i can’t even write in my mother tongue

because the words hardly exists for describing

my condition

writing in english at least creates some kind of a distance

when it comes to treatment for post-viral illness

another depressing chapter

but hidden

always hidden

while the chronically ill constantly being gaslit by society at large

by ableism

recently a couple established swedish journalists

have been backpedaling all the way back at least fifty years

- seen from a international scientist research perspectives

this is just one example

without even mentioning what they wrote

and how

i’m still too angry to formulate a direct response

to what they have done

but it’s not pretty, i’ll tell you that much

give me a bit of time

and i will get back to it


until then i’m in my bed

making work - but urgently need a replacement word for work,

work is too loaded, how about, making art,

*making art that doesn’t require work per se*

that would be a more suitable phrasing

the art have recently been comprised of


art that's made instantly from a push of a button

the motive is always the same

confined to an indoors life in one room

at all times

due to post-viral illness

the domestic scenery

of an chronically ill artist

sets the stage



Diktgymnasiet är en konstnär baserad i Stockholm. Deras arbete berör frågeställningar kring språk, teknologi och kronisk sjukdom. Nyligen har den ställt ut på Atlas No 3, Konsthall Cs digitala utställningsyta i Stockholm, Alta Art Space i Malmö och The National Poetry Library på Southbank Centre i London, samt publicerats av tidskriften Addenda i Köpenhamn, online tidsskriften Scrypth.com i Oslo och mikroförlaget Madame Cryptica i Stockholm. Under 2025 presenteras deras arbete i en separatutställning på kulturcentret KKKC i Klaipėda, Litauen. För närvarande arbetar den som konstnärlig ledare för projektet CRIP, vilket produceras av Konstfrämjandet Västmanland.


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